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Choosing an MBA That Is Right For You

Going back to school for your Master of Business Administration (MBA) is a great way to maximize your leadership potential and advance in your career and education goals. Earning your MBA is an important step if you desire to move up the corporate ladder or just enhance your marketability. This is why executives and professionals around the world have made it one of the most popular graduate degrees earned.
With so many different kinds of programs available to choose from, it can be difficult to find the MBA program that best fits you. Primarily, you will want to select a regionally accredited program. Accredited programs are peer-reviewed and offer the promise that educational standards are met by the faculty teaching in the program. This affords students the best opportunity for a quality education.

To help you find the right program for you, ask these five questions:

1: Does the MBA program offer me flexibility?

As you look at different MBA programs, first sit down and review your daily schedule. If it seems busy, build a priority list to see what is most important. Then begin to eliminate tasks and responsibilities that are lower down in your list to create room for your studies. Graduate school takes dedication and good time management skills. When reviewing programs, look for key phrases like “flexible” and “move ahead quickly” in the program descriptions. Also, consider the “time to complete” to understand how long the program should take you to finish. Programs offering courses in an 8-week format will allow you to complete your degree faster.

2: Will I have access to people who can help me?

Not all graduate programs are created equal, academic and career services are a place to measure this difference. When reviewing programs, look for information and testimonials from graduates on the availability of faculty to work with students. Research and ask admissions professionals about academic and library services offered by the institution to graduate students. This can come in various forms, such as writing labs, tutoring services, research assistance, and more. Many universities and colleges also offer career services to help graduates find placement in jobs and networks after completion. Finally, ask if technical support is available for problems that may arise during your courses.

3: Will what I learn help me go further in my career?

The courses you take in any graduate program are the foundation for your growth as a professional and individual. Look for programs teaching current workplace needs and develop your skills through specializations in the MBA program called concentrations. These special tracts cover topic areas and courses unique to a specific field of study with names such as Leadership, Healthcare Management, or Justice Administration. If you want to take a deeper dive into what you will learn in your courses, review the academic catalog for detailed course descriptions.

4: Does the program offer a culture that fits me?

Take a look at the whole college or university website, not just the program page, when you search for a program. Like businesses, institutions of higher learning have a culture that will tell you more about them and what they value. Alumni testimonials, news stories, and social media content will help you see if your values align with the university you are looking to join as a student.

5: Is it affordable?

At the end of the day, the cost is always an important factor in choosing an MBA program. Reviewing the cost of the program with an admissions professional allows you to gain an understanding of the full cost of each program. Check the college or university’s financial aid webpage for information about available scholarships and grant opportunities offered by the institution or third-party entities.

Using these questions will help you better discern which MBA program is right for you. When you complete this graduate degree program you will be a professional who has gained a variety of important skill sets. These will benefit you not just in the boardroom, but also throughout life.

With over 100 years in Christian higher education, Bluefield University serves students with degree programs that enable them to go further. With a caring faculty and supportive staff, students receive personalized one-on-one support with a personal success coach throughout their online degree program. Our 10-month MBA program with concentrations available in Leadership, Healthcare Management, and Justice Administration, is designed to help you become a strategic thinker, solving real-world problems through case studies and projects. To get started in a Bluefield University MBA program today, please visit our MBA program page or email [email protected].

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